Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

We can turn more of your website visitors into customers through our hands-on, analytics and insights-based approach to conversion rate optimization.

CRO offers a structured approach to improving the performance and user experience of your website, informed by insights and defined by your KPIs. Having a flashy website is not enough. To give visitors the best experience, your site needs to be both functional and informative. This applies to every single website page, not just product pages and your home page. We don’t stop when we see an immediate uplift in conversion rates either. We focus on achieving lasting results through continuous research, development, testing and reporting. This ensures that your website performs at its optimum all the time, from the first visit on any landing page to check-out.

Voice of the customer analysis

We capture user’s expectations, preferences and aversions through focus groups and in-depth interviews. These feelings, thoughts and opinions are then organized into a hierarchical structure and prioritized so that your site can be defined or refined to match customer needs

Moderated user experience testing

Moderated testing provides complete control to ensure the outcomes meet your goals. Our expert moderators can answer any questions posed by the user, meaning stumbling blocks won’t skew test results.

A/B testing & multivariate testing (MVT)

Split testing is a method of optimization in which the conversion rates of two versions of a page (A vs B) can be viewed live, head-to-head. Multivariate testing allows us to do this with more than two versions of a page. Once the results are in, we can choose the most effective version of each page going forward.

Remote user experience testing

We use remote user experience testing to observe consumers in their natural environment. We set consumers tasks to complete on your website and use screen-sharing and face and voice recording software so that we know exactly what your customers’ think of your website live as they interact with it.

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